new year

Wow it has been a very long time since I made a post but to be fair most of my posts this summer would have just been about how anxious I was and also how awesome my new partner is but like basically repetitive. So that happened. Also I got a job working with adults with development disabilities and it was absolutely WONDERFUL. But yes summer – great. Went on trips, saw boyfriend,  made hella cash, still in hella debt, got a really great partner (one might even say hella great). So wow here we are. In September. Much later. Lots of emotional breakdowns later. Several gender crises later. But now I’m back at school and being called Caspar again (still some mixed feelings but this isn’t really supposed to actually be getting into any actual details but if you’re here solely for the gender stuff – there will be lots and lots to come).

Mostly what I’m happy because I’m living in a theme house which is my hippie-ass school’s way of Greek life. My theme is gay. So it’s me and my boyfriend and five other gay people who are just living in a house together and I really love it. I felt really isolated last year and it’s really nice to have a house. We have weekly dinners and I see them before and after class and it’s just nice. I feel like I have a bigger support system and that I’m actually meeting new people because these aren’t people I necessarily would have hung out with just because of the circles we all run in. Or, in my case, lack of running in any circle at all whatsover.

I’ve had a week’s worth of classes now and things are already falling apart just a little bit. I started Zoloft on Monday and it made me super drowsy to the point where all I could really do was lie in bed all day. I went to work in classes and shit but I don’t think I was really present in any of them. So as of today I’m going to start taking that at night to see if that helps a little bit. Because of that drowsiness, I haven’t really been doing any homework because I’m reading a lot of seventeenth texts and they’re really dense and boring so I’ve been trying to only read them when I’ll be able to get the most out of them. Which I quickly found out was never. I just finished the reading I have for my class that starts in a half hour so at least I’m not behind. I’m going to try really hard to catch up this weekend and get ahead again and fix my sleep schedule because it’s too damn early in the semester to have it fucked up this much already.

Rugby has started again and that’s really exciting and I didn’t realize how much I missed it over the summer but it’s really nice to be active again. I don’t think I ever actually mentioned it on here, but during my first game I tore something in my knee so it’s been moderately fucked up since March so I’ve been playing with a brace. So fingers crossed that using it more regularly with the extra support will be beneficial.

I don’t have a lot of pressing thoughts right now but I’m already getting annoyed with a lot of class discussions so I’ll probably start writing about those soon. Also I have an essay I wrote that I want to post but it’s pretty problematic so I’m not actually sure. I just wanted to update/start getting in the habit of writing this again because it’s an awesome stress reliever.

Also please follow me on twitter I’m a riot.

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