Tag Archives: winter

World’s Best Boyfriend


It’s me. I’m the world’s best boyfriend. That’s a thing I forgot to mention in my post yesterday – I’m dating a person now. I’m not going to go into a lot of detail about them because people that I know in real life read this and I don’t really want them knowing who it is. For a lot of reasons. The point is – I’m the world’s best boyfriend. This is the breakfast I made for them in bed this morning. To be fair, I also kept them up until two because I had a bad feeling and couldn’t fall asleep.

This morning I woke up to snow. Waking up to snow is actually my favorite thing. Winter is my favorite season. It’s strange to think back on one year ago. I was at my other college and super depressed. Like grossly depressed. I didn’t tell anyone I was depressed because I knew that they would worry. It wasn’t that I didn’t want them worry about me, I just knew that I was going to make it through. There was no doubt in my mind that I couldn’t survive until the end of the year and I was right. The contrast between now and last year is especially poignant with this relationship providing comparison for the one I was in then. I am more in love with this person than I have ever been in love with anyone before in my life. Everything just feels so right and natural. I feel equally loved. I feel safe in their arms and I know that they’d do anything for me and I would also do anything for them.

I’m just super happy. I’ve been super happy since I got back to school. This school is doing a lot of really good things for me and I’m so grateful. I’m also aware that my time here is limited. I’m halfway done with college after this semester. I need to start looking at grad schools soon. I’m texting various professors asking them if they have any research opportunities that they’d like my help on. I’m fuckingĀ networking. Which is something I swore I would never do. But here I am. And it’s good. I feel like the whole growing up thing has just snuck up on me really fast, but also I’ve been taking it in stride.

I’m proud of me.